Dr. Benjamin Tan

"Pastoral care and Patient care must be the two pillars of mainstream healthcare."

About Dr. Ben

Dr. Ben doesn't just treat patients' health challenges (patient care). He first addresses their fears and toxic mindsets that drive pain & disease (pastoral care).

If you fulfil these criteria below, you are the perfect candidate for greater health and even greater industry influence and impact:


  • You are root cause-focused.

  • You desire certainty in order to make the right decisions.

  • People depend on you.

  • You desire to leave a legacy for your children’s children.

  • You want to be cost and time effective and efficient.

  • You certainly have a growth/wealth mindset.

  • You know you can be better at what you have worked so hard to achieve in life.

  • Gonstead Chiropractic – 200+ hours of training

  • Professional Applied Kinesiology from the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK)

  • Active Release Technique (ART) – Level 1 (spine, upper and lower extremities)


  • Valedictorian with Magna Cum Laude, of his class of Fall 2019 at Life Chiropractic College West, a prestigious Graduate Chiropractic school in California, USA. 

  • In the department of clinical skills, Dr. Ben achieved both Clinic honors (Gold) and Clinical Excellence awards.

Completed training in:

  • 100+ hours in the Gonstead Chiropractic management system, a highly specific and scientific full-spine chiropractic technique

  • 100+ hours in Soft Tissue Technique, specifically Active Release Technique (ART)

  • 200+ hours in Advanced Applied Kinesiology – diagnosing and treating disease from structural, chemical and mental root cause(s).

Post-graduate specialization:

  • Advanced Chiropractic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine with the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (IANM)

  • Advanced Applied Kinesiology training with the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK)

  • Eagles Wings Ministry by Dr. Michelle Strydom – ‘The Bible From A Medical Perspective. Medicine From A Biblical Perspective.”

  • Voice Of The Light ministry by Dr. Ana & Emerson Mendez Farrell – ‘Spirit-Soul-Body connection to health and disease’P

Your journey to 100% health and greater industry influence is important. We've made it simple to get started.


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