Beyond Chiropractic

Using Advanced Applied Kinesiology to deal with structural & nutritional root causes (beyond the spine & other joints) to treat body pain and disease.

What is Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis.

AK is a non-invasive system of evaluating body function that is unique in the healing arts, has become a dynamic movement in health care in its relatively short existence.

The  combined terms “applied” and “kinesiology” describe the basis of this system, which is the use of manual muscle testing to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, counseling skills,  evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures.

Info from:

Somatic & Autonomic Windows – the art of manual muscle testing (MMT)

The QA Clinical Protocol asserts that the most “elegant” use of the MMT response is as a somatic window on neurological function; a measurement of the collective influences (inhibition and excitation) on the anterior horn motor neuron (AHMN) pool of the muscle being tested.

Physicians of every variety have been trained to palpate a pulse, monitor respiration, take a blood pressure, and/or observe pupillary light reflexes. These standard tests are muscle tests. They are autonomic windows on neurological function, but muscle tests nonetheless.
It is clear, from objective, clinical and scientific evidence, that if one wishes to evaluate influences on neurological function, the MMT response provides a window on the nervous system from which much valuable information can be derived. In this light, MMT becomes “an important tool in the decision-making process of what to do for a patient when confronted with a number of different alternatives.”

Triad of Health

The triad of health lists the three basic causes of health problems, namely structural, chemical, and mental.

Literally, all health problems, whether functional or pathological, are involved with one part or all parts of the triad.

This is not new to chiropractic, as its founder, D.D. Palmer states in his text, The Science, Art, and Philosophy of Chiropractic, “The determining causes of disease are trauma, thoughts & toxins.

AK enables the doctor to evaluate the triad’s functional balance and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides.

The physician who is aware of the triad of health, and evaluates every patient for all three sides, increases his ability to find the basic underlying cause of a patient’s health problem.

AK skills are developed and approved by the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) Board of Standards.

The Quintessential Applications (QA) Protocol - Advanced AK

"What comes first, next, and last?" - Dr. Ben

Patients who walk through the door of any clinician / physician’s office has this thought, “I hope the doctor can figure out what’s wrong with me and fix it once and for all.”

On the other side of the consultation room, physicians and clinicians are confronted daily with recurring and provocative questions precipitated by perplexing patient presentations:

  • “What does this mean?”
  • “What approach shall I take?”
  • “What tests shall I run?”
  • “Where do I go from here?”

When not carefully thought through, treatment might merely end up as relief of a local symptom.

Common medical practices including some natural healthcare providers often look at the patient’s local complaint(s) as the primary focus of the initial clinical assessment.

– Dr. Walter Schmitt, DIBAK, DABCN

The holistic health approach for ANY health problem should be answering this question: “What comes first, next and last?

This means there is a pre-set hierarchy by which your health abides… ”something happens first before something else happens next…”

A very fundamental principle to understand for doctor/patient:

Since all systems: immune, endocrine, gut, muscular, etc. are adversely impacted by nociception or pain…shouldn’t we address nociceptive activity prior to addressing any other system or local problem?

– Dr. Walter Schmitt, DIBAK, DABCN

Why is getting rid of nociceptive activity (i.e. pain) so important?

Firstly, let’s define pain

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damageread more >

Pain, when first felt, if not too severe, is merely a ‘sensation’ perceived by your brain. You recognize it, locate it, and then you don’t think much about it thereafter.

However, when pain is severe and prolonged enough, it starts to affect memory, emotions, hormones etc.

When pain starts to affect your other body systems as mentioned above, your health issues are no longer just localized. In fact, your problems are now systemic (and local).

Existence of systemic problems cause local problem treatment to be less effective, if at all.

The fundamental premise of a neurologically driven, top-down-inside-out thought process, illuminates the fact that one must first address systemic influences prior to addressing local problems – this pivotal principle provides powerful possibilities for predictable, consistent and lasting outcomes.

BOTTOM LINE is this: There is a logical “path to follow so that the outcome of treatment is most harmonious with the patient’s physiology.

Why is QA protocol so effective for every patient?

Instead of attempting to solve each medical condition one has, the QA protocol encompasses all aspects of one’s health, starting from the fundamental need to reduce nociception (pain, broadly speaking) and the myriad of neurological and physiological manifestations.

The following group of health challenges form the majority of the diagnosable medical conditions we see today.

  • Pain and Injuries (Acute & Chronic)
  • Inflammatory Processes
  • Fatigue
  • Joint Health
  • TMJ and Cranial Faults
  • Energy Production
  • Endocrine Function (Hypo and/or Hyper)
  • Liver Detoxification
  • Blood Sugar Handling
  • Gastrointestinal Tract Dysfunction
  • Emotional Stress & Mental Health
  • Persistent Muscle Imbalances
  • Pelvis, Spinal and Extremity Subluxations
  • Persistent Pain

Here is the Logic Behind the QA Physiologically-based Thought Process:

  • Since all systems: immune, endocrine, gut, muscular, etc. are adversely impacted by nociception…
    shouldn’t we address nociceptive activity prior to addressing any other system or local problem?

  • Since the immune system is impacted by cytokines arising from the GI tract…
    shouldn’t we address GI tract irritants (allergens, bad fats) prior to addressing systemic immune function?

  • Since cortisol inhibits the immune system…
    shouldn’t we address low immune system function prior to improving adrenal activity?

  • Since the citric acid cycle (CAC) is inhibited by immune system activity…
    shouldn’t we address immune system function prior to adding B vitamins & manganese to improve activity in the CAC?

  • Since the adrenal glands mobilize glucose for ATP production…
    shouldn’t we address the CAC prior to treating the adrenals?

  • Since all visceral & biochemical imbalances are reflected in & create muscle imbalances…
    shouldn’t we address these systemic issues prior to making musculoskeletal and spinal adjustments?

The answer to all of these questions is YES YES YES!

QA considers hundreds of similar physiological principles and focuses the physicians’ attention on efficiently achieving the desired clinical outcome.

If you have any of the health conditions listed above, the QA protocol addresses it in an orderly, physiologically based manner.

QA application is like entering the forest of the patient’s symptoms with a map. More often than not, this map leads the practitioner, and patient, toward a rewarding outcome.

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